To look after the general welfare of the
blind in the state…
To take such steps as may be necessary for the prevention and cure of preventable and curable blindness and eye trouble in the state.
To look after the welfare of the dependents of the blind in the state.
To take all steps to mobilise public opinion to further the cause of the welfare of the blind in the state.
Sensitisation, awareness & training for the community agencies.
Medical, educational, economical and social rehabilitation to the visually challenged.
Necessary technical training to the blind (and other impaired) for a decent and disciplined life as a model citizen of a democratic country like India.
Awareness on the Persons with Disabilities Act 1995 of the Govt. of Kerala (Social Welfare Department) No.186 dt. 24/12/2008 for equipping themselves for their protection and welfare.
Empowered and well-informed blind population of India working for personal growth and development, thereby leading life to its optimum potential.
To empower the blind with education and training, to attain self-sufficiency through employment/self-employment, thus integrating them with dignity in mainstream society.